13 Oct 9 Things to know before getting a bikini waxing in Kigali
1. Examine your skin
It is very important to thoroughly take time to check your skin for any irritation, breakouts or sun burns prior to bikini waxing. Many people get these conditions on their bodies without their knowledge. If you find any complication, make sure to treat them and wait patiently until they heal. Once they heal, you can go ahead and wax. Another important thing is that waxing over moles or skin tags is not advised because they end up ripping off in the course of the procedure. Cover all of them with band aids and inform the aesthetician moments before waxing begins.
2. Hair should be 0.5cm long
The hair should be long enough so that the wax can actually grip it. 2 to 3 weeks of growth may be equivalent to 0.5cm or ¼ inch. It is important to maintain this length because when it is too short, the wax cannot pick it up and remove it. On the other hand, when it is too long, it does not allow the wax to adhere and as a result, someone ends up feeling more pain.
3. The time of the month matters
As a woman, it is very important to note that your skin gets super sensitive when you are just about to get your period. Therefore, do not plan for a wax when you know you are at least three days away from your period.
4. Take a shower beforehand
As obvious as this seems, it is still a very important tip and reminder. This is because once you take a shower, the person waxing you will be comfortable and you will be less self-conscious and more relaxed.
5. Book an hour
For most people who are doing it for the first time, you need to set-aside one hour for this procedure. The main reason why people are told to designate a full hour is because the procedures vary; some cases tend to consume more time than others. You also need to consider the breaks you will request during the procedure.
6. Bikini wax vs Brazilian wax
You need to know which procedure you want before going to the aesthetician. Think about what results you expect before the appointment. The options you get are:
-> Bikini waxing, which simply takes pubic hair off the sides.
-> Brazilian waxing, which removes all the hair, front to back.
7. Pain level varies
The procedure can be painful and so you have to prepare psychologically. A bikini waxing is usually the most painful of all waxing. Oddly enough, some people experience more pain than others who have had the same procedure.
8. Be comfortable in your skin
Waxing gets really personal because you have to give the person waxing you full access to the area being waxed.
9. Breathe and relax
Once you have done all the above, the last part is just to keep calm and enjoy the experience. If you feel like it is too much on you, think about the results you will acquire after the procedure is done. This should motivate you.